
What coin options do we have for mining?

We have prepared a table for you, which introduces alternative mineable coins that we could mine if Ethereum successfully completes its transition from PoW to PoS. 

What coin options do we have for mining?

In the table, we present 4 projects that are currently profitable for mining and compare their characteristics to Bitcoin and Ethereum. We provide a brief description and several numerical data for each project, including an explanation of each.

We regularly work on this table and will add more projects if we recognize their potential and they are not just “shitcoins”. We will appreciate any suggested improvements or additional information from you.

The table is publicly accessible at this link: Srovnání PoW coinů a jejich charakteristiky 

For a better understanding of the profitability of each coin in the table, we recommend using the website

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MasterMiner s.r.o. Dyjská 845/4, Čakovice, 196 00 Praha 9

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